[TYPO3-ect] News about XCLASSES?

Joerg Schoppet joerg at schoppet.de
Wed Oct 4 11:45:53 CEST 2006

Oliver Hader wrote:
> Some time has passed since we discussed about that. Has anyone of you
> done some lines of code that solves that problem using decorators or
> whatever?
> What are your experiences in this context in a productive environment?

sorry for long delay. Actually I have to say, that I'm ready with the 
design, I think. But the coding is actually only done by 50 %. This is 
because my boss has just orderd me to create a TYPO3-extension as 
interface to a Network-Documentation-System.

The main thoughts are done:
- There is a SINGLETON-class, in wich each base-class is registered. 
Each possible decorator has to register itself within this class with 
the following information: "base-class to extend" and "possible other 
decorators, wich are necessary".

- If an object can exists multiple times (e.g. I can have multiple 
users), then there have to be a object-collection class. This class can 
also be decorated.

- If a developer wants to have an object, with specific extensions 
(decorators), he can simple call a method of the SINGLETON-class with 
the base-class-name and the needed decorators and the method creates the 
necessary objects.

I can imagine, that with THIS (!!) description there can be more 
questionmarks as before, sorry for that. Because of the abruptly move to 
  another project I wasn't able to create any kind of documentation. I 
hope I can soon work on this again and then also create an example-ext.

Kind Regards

Joerg Schoppet

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