[TYPO3-ect] [TYPO3-dev] tt_address 2.0.0 underway, please test

Ingo Renner typo3 at ingo-renner.com
Tue Nov 28 08:05:21 CET 2006

Hi all,

in early October I took over the development of tt_address.
At the end of October I committed the split name field to SVN so that 
there're fields for first and last name, now.

Today I also merged EXT:addressgroups into tt_address which basicly 
makes it possible to

   * assign people to groups and
   * easily select addresses with a plugin

As tt_address is a pretty old and widely used extension I'd like to ask 
you to test the enhancements before I release them to the wild.

You can get the 2.0.0-dev version from SVN. [1]

The manual is still the one from EXT:addressgroups but should already 
give you an idea of what is possible with the new plugin. There's also 
an update script which can be executed through the extension manager.

Please play around with it, test it and report bugs to the bugtracker 
[2] category "tx_ttaddress". Feature requests and ideas are also very 
welcome but won't have priority before the current enhancements are 
tested enough.

This is for sure the biggest enhancement to tt_address for a long (and I 
mean very long) time, so have fun and enjoy!

[1] http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/typo3xdev/tx_ttaddress/trunk/
[2] http://bugs.typo3.org

thanks for your help, any contribution is very much appreciated

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