[TYPO3-ect] Status ?

Jan-Hendrik Heuing [DD] jh at digitaldistrict.de
Sat Mar 18 19:46:58 CET 2006


I am interested in those frameworks a lot. Elmar did some 
link-class-example, Michael S did show some possible way of getting a 
controler done.

The point is, I am doing individual work now again. Well, It's sort of 
reusable in some ways, as I am reusing code I have, try to get it sort of 
generic. But it's grown through the needs, not well thought or structured. 
There IS a need for a whole new concept, while it's working fine for now. 
The thing is: It does make much more sense having a common understanding of 
where to go, and then get on with this thing , spend time on that better 
then on our own solutions.

Well, finaly, what do you think about the idea of having a meeting at some 
point, maybe one or 2 days, to get those things on the road? Some kind of 

We are not getting anywhere at the moment using this list. At least that's 
what it looks like to me.

Any feedback on this?

There should be some rough idea about the way to go before. Does it make 
sense using available frameworks, does it make more sense going for a 
TYPO3-solution on it's own... ? I had a look at symfony, and it looks great 
so far. But having standard applications like blogs, image galleries, I am 
faster using my own libraries... Well, of course as I am used to them ;) But 
I am open to anything, and I think we should go for some larger framework to 
speed up development of common features.


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