[TYPO3-ect] Dev-Tools-Question, diff-html-display?

Jan-Hendrik Heuing jan-hendrik.heuing at digitaldistrict.de
Wed Jul 5 20:45:02 CEST 2006

Good evening,

I've got some things I am brainstorming on for a while. Not too much
now, just a question: 
Does anyone of you set up some code, or does know about libs, which does
about the same as trac does when displaying differences of 2 subversion
revisions? Would be great if that's PHP, as this way it's easily
integrated. Of course there are some diff-type-things, but nothing like
trac, which I like most. Otherwise I am thinking about porting or
developing that if it comes so far with my brainstorming...

Example: http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/changeset/3505

Thanks, JH

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