[TYPO3-ect] Extension Developer Training
stefano cecere
scecere at krur.com
Mon Dec 18 09:06:07 CET 2006
Mark Stephenson wrote:
> I want to share with the ECT that we at the Web-Empowered Church have posted
> an initial set of tutorials for TYPO3 extension development. They attempt to
> describe best practices as well as the technical training. The tutorials can
> be found here:
> http://webempoweredchurch.org/dev_support/devtutorials/
> The tutorials are made of smaller units of training called How-Tos. The
> How-Tos are in a simple knowledgebase that has categories and is searchable.
> The idea is that developers can systematically go through the tutorials to
> learn or they can search through the How-Tos to address a specific issue.
> Here are the How-Tos:
> http://webempoweredchurch.org/dev_support/devhowtos/
> Our hope is that these resources will help new and current extension
> developers and that we can promote quality extension development.
> Mark
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