[TYPO3-ect] Extension Developer Training

Mark Stephenson Mark at WebEmpoweredChurch.org
Sat Dec 16 15:27:16 CET 2006

I want to share with the ECT that we at the Web-Empowered Church have posted 
an initial set of tutorials for TYPO3 extension development. They attempt to 
describe best practices as well as the technical training. The tutorials can 
be found here:


The tutorials are made of smaller units of training called How-Tos. The 
How-Tos are in a simple knowledgebase that has categories and is searchable. 
The idea is that developers can systematically go through the tutorials to 
learn or they can search through the How-Tos to address a specific issue. 
Here are the How-Tos:


Our hope is that these resources will help new and current extension 
developers and that we can promote quality extension development.


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