[TYPO3-ect] Regular IRC conferences failed

David Bruehlmeier typo3 at bruehlmeier.com
Tue Aug 22 21:49:19 CEST 2006

Hi Elmar, Hi everybody,

Personally, I will most probably never be able to attend an IRC meeting, 
simply because I do not work with TYPO3 professionally. During office 
hours, I work at a desk behind the thick firewall of a Swiss bank, and 
even if I could manage to get on IRC, I would still have a hard time 
explaining my customer why I'm chatting and not working for him...

So, my preferred (and almost only) way of communicating is asynchronous, 
preferably through this newsgroup.

A short update about the Party Information Framework (was called 
"Partner Framework" before the kick-off at T3DD):

* A lot of people have joined the discussion at the T3DD and many have 
expressed their interest in joining development.
* Currently, we are waiting for Robert Lemke's update whether artplan21 
will be able to support us by writing the core of the framework (tx_party).
* I have given feedback to Robert about the state of the database model 
as which he shortly presented at T3DD (he cannot make this information 
publicly available as long as the contract with artplan21 is not signed).
* The wiki is up to date:
* I am ready for any feedback! :-)


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