[TYPO3-ect] TYPO3ext: direct_mail mergers & acquisitions

Stanislas Rolland stanislas.rolland at fructifor.ca
Mon Aug 14 22:03:12 CEST 2006

Elmar Hinz a écrit :
> B) Direct mail
> I have got my problems with direct mail since years. It should be simple to
> install such a standard component like direct mail, but it isn't. How
> successfull could TYPO3 be, if extensions like this work like you expect
> them to work? According to the logs, Stanislas is the only person who
> regularly works on it to fix the bugs and so on. But he does is very alone
>  with this.
Please note that Jan-Erik Revsbech is the owner of extension Direct Mail 
(direct_mail). Thorsten Kahler is also a regular contributor to this 

> C) Stanlis' FE User Registration:
> The very same situation. A central extension. Very hard to configure.
> Stanislas working on it without the support of others. Here the
> personalized name is indeed a reason for others not to join the project.
> But it is to mighty that others would start up an alternative to it.
Please note that Franz Holzinger will be taking over ownership of 
extensions Front End User Registration (sr_feuser_register) and Email 
Address Subscription (sr_email_subscribe) for the next 12 months.

Best regards,

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