[TYPO3-extension-coordination] Quickstart and testsite packages for TYPO3 4.0
Michael Stucki
michael at typo3.org
Tue Dec 20 23:37:05 CET 2005
Hi Jeff,
> I went ahead and made a first pass at creating the packages, then
> importing them on top of the dummy package. For the most part, things
> worked correctly and I didn't run into any of the problems I mentioned
> earlier.
> There are two issues that need a little more investigation.
> 1) When running the import of Testsite on my local install, I bumped up
> against PHP's maximum_execution_time of 30 seconds. Once I raised this
> limit, the import worked properly but if it affects many users its
> probably unreasonable to expect them to change this.
I think you can set this from within a PHP script:
ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
Didn't try it, but make the test. Add it on top of typo3conf/localconf.php
and IF it works, we can hardcode such a setting on top of the impexp
> 2) There are several files in fileadmin and uploads that do not get
> included in the export process. My guess is that these files are not
> referenced anywhere in the package but I haven't been able to confirm
> this for sure. A diff between the testsite package and the dummy
> package with testsite imported is included at the end of this post.
Sorry, no idea. But it might help that you can probably check this with
using the sys_references table now, right?!
> I've also go two questions for Kasper and/or Robert about additional
> functionality that might make this process a little easier.
> 1) Is it possible to automatically set the required extensions for a
> particular package? I would assume this could be done fairly easily for
> frontend plugins and stuff but it may not be feasible for extensions
> that are not tied to a content element.
I will ask Robert and Karsten and then let you know.
> 2) Is the Import Wizard interface too complicated for someone who has
> never used TYPO3 before? There are a lot of options there, and things
> like allowing writing of banned file extensions (php) must be set for an
> imported package to work properly. Is it worthwhile to have some
> simplified interface where a first timer can import the package that
> they want?
There are a lot of setting, yes. Maybe we need a small tutorial therfore?
What about a little GIF animation like it is already done in the extension
Regards, michael
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