[TYPO3-extension-coordination] Quickstart and testsite packages for TYPO3 4.0

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Dec 20 23:11:09 CET 2005

> I'll go ahead and try an export of one of these packages today and see 
> how things go.

I went ahead and made a first pass at creating the packages, then 
importing them on top of the dummy package.  For the most part, things 
worked correctly and I didn't run into any of the problems I mentioned 

There are two issues that need a little more investigation.

1)  When running the import of Testsite on my local install, I bumped up 
against PHP's maximum_execution_time of 30 seconds.  Once I raised this 
limit, the import worked properly but if it affects many users its 
probably unreasonable to expect them to change this.

2)  There are several files in fileadmin and uploads that do not get 
included in the export process.  My guess is that these files are not 
referenced anywhere in the package but I haven't been able to confirm 
this for sure.  A diff between the testsite package and the dummy 
package with testsite imported is included at the end of this post.

I've also go two questions for Kasper and/or Robert about additional 
functionality that might make this process a little easier.

1)  Is it possible to automatically set the required extensions for a 
particular package?  I would assume this could be done fairly easily for 
frontend plugins and stuff but it may not be feasible for extensions 
that are not tied to a content element.

2)  Is the Import Wizard interface too complicated for someone who has 
never used TYPO3 before?  There are a lot of options there, and things 
like allowing writing of banned file extensions (php) must be set for an 
imported package to work properly.  Is it worthwhile to have some 
simplified interface where a first timer can import the package that 
they want?

If anyone would like the T3D files to test, just let me know.


diff -rq testsite.dev dummy.dev
Only in testsite.dev: ChangeLog
Files testsite.dev/Package.txt and dummy.dev/Package.txt differ
Only in testsite.dev: TODO.txt
Only in dummy.dev/fileadmin/_temp_: testsite.t3d
Only in testsite.dev/fileadmin: include_test.php
Only in testsite.dev/fileadmin: log.txt
Only in testsite.dev/fileadmin: sem1_3_examples
Only in testsite.dev/fileadmin: testsite.t3d
Only in testsite.dev/fileadmin: tsbyex
Only in dummy.dev: log.txt
Files testsite.dev/typo3conf/database.sql and 
dummy.dev/typo3conf/database.sql differ
Only in testsite.dev/typo3conf/ext: mininews
Only in testsite.dev/typo3conf/ext: user_photomarathon
Only in testsite.dev/typo3conf/ext: user_set_page_title
Files testsite.dev/typo3conf/extTables.php and 
dummy.dev/typo3conf/extTables.php differ
Files testsite.dev/typo3conf/localconf.php and 
dummy.dev/typo3conf/localconf.php differ
Only in dummy.dev/typo3temp: GB
Only in dummy.dev/typo3temp/cs: csascii_iso-8859-1.tbl
Only in testsite.dev/typo3temp/llxml: 
Only in testsite.dev/uploads: RTEmagicC_Baby_01.jpg.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads: RTEmagicP_Baby_01.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/media: index.html
Only in testsite.dev/uploads: photomarathon
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: 200px-Einstein2.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: 200px-Mark_twain.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: 616070.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: 674050.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: 696011.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: DCR-PC110.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: IXUS-II.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: IXUS-II_2.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: MV3i.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: PC550.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: Russell2.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: WR105.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: ed_phone.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: index.html
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/pics: small-benjamin-franklin.jpg
Only in testsite.dev/uploads/tf: index.html
Only in testsite.dev/uploads: tx_mininews

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