[TYPO3-extension-coordination] Use of testsite package

Rainer (Rene) Suthoelder t3 at boswel-remove-me.de
Mon Dec 19 19:04:47 CET 2005

Elmar Hinz wrote:
> <kasper>
> Specifically about the testsite; I'm a little curious to see if people
> are using this site and for what. Personally I use it to grab
> TypoScript snippets and test my development, but what about the
> general public? At least I could imagine that the testsite was
> splittet in two: a) The two "old sites" + frontpage and b) the
> TypoScript snippet library (could be extended, da da! hint, hint) and
> possible c) the Direct Mail thingy </kasper>

same here: mainly used it as a code library, copied the interesting bits 
into my own repository and never touched it again =:o)
i think its too advanced to be generally useful (especially having newbies 
in mind), but serious developers will benefit from it.

perhaps: enhance/restructure the snippet section, rename the whole thing and 
release it as a developer package (as a t3d file)...

and i think what kasper really wanted us to create: a real code snippet 
library =:o)


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