[TYPO3-core] Domain model "page"

Philipp Wrann philippwrann at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 19:59:49 CET 2015

> Any domain model which represents the content structure *must* incorporate this key feature.

I dont think so but i am sure you know better. So please tell me what i miss.

In default content elements i have text/textpic/list, etc ... And i could simply use a Template for each of those.
If a content represents a userfunction (extbase, pibase, userobject) its also easy to render it.
If a key is defined like tt_content.foo < tt_content.text some fallback processes it with the legacy renderer.

Something like a public render method could do the job.

If its about adding some field to the content element an integrator could achieve this by overloading the content model in the extbase setup.
All StdWrap.bla.foo.bar.baz fun could be handled via ViewHelpers i think.

With some viewhelpers like:

<frontend:content.load column="left" fuzzy="1" />


<f:for each="{myObject.contentElements}" as="{content}">

Setting up a new TYPO3.CMS template would be much more fun.

With your own page- and content-repository you could load menus and contents much more domainspecific and in a way not so pagetree-focused.

What point do i miss here? Would it really be such a bad idea to have something like that in the typo3.cms core?

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