[TYPO3-core] trustedHostsPattern

Frans Saris franssaris at gmail.com
Tue May 27 11:01:52 CEST 2014

Is it not okay to just set the trusted hosts param to .* for such setups as
the layers in front of the webserver make sure only the correct requests
come through?

Gr. Frans
Op 27 mei 2014 10:25 schreef "JoH asenau" <info at cybercraft.de>:

>>> redaktion.domain.tld
>>> redaktion.domain.tld
>>> 17101
>>> /typo3/install/index.php?TYPO3_INSTALL[type]=phpinfo
>> I'm still wondering what setup create such result. You are requesting on
>> port 80 but SERVER_PORT is set to 17101 ...
> Well - yes and no ;-)
> No server is listening on port 80, since the setup is based on so called
> transparent proxies - at least this is what our admin told me - so incoming
> requests are on port 80n until they hit the load balancer. Then the target
> ports are set by the load balancers, so the incoming request for the server
> is already using the desired port depending on, which server the balancers
> sent the request to. Actually each server for a certain domain is listening
> on the same port, but we could even have different ports for the same
> domain, i.e. to make sure the requests will always hit the same server once
> the connection has been established for the first time.
> Now when there is no trailing slash, the Nginx rewrite rule is set to
> redirect to the same URL but with a trailing slash. And it seems that this
> just kind of "reveals" the port the server is running on by adding it to
> the domain, which is how we found out the solution by accident.
> So both
> blah.domain.tld/typo3/
> and
> blah.domain.tld:12345/typo3/
> are coming in on the same port on the server, but only the latter works
> with the default setting for trustedHostsPattern, which is SERVER_NAME but
> actually compares SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT according to the install tool
> label.
> Joey
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