[TYPO3-core] trustedHostsPattern

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Thu May 22 14:00:53 CEST 2014


> All in all, what I miss in the error message (or in some error log if
> info is sensible) is a detailed description of why it failed. For the
> 8080 port for instance, I totally forgot about this special port and had
> to debug the exception thrown to understand why it failed and thus how
> best I should solve it.

We could add a note about this in the Security Guide and point people to 
it. But I would need detailed information about what to write first. It 
would help if people shared their experience here: what values did they 
use, in particular which regular expressions?



Francois Suter

Work: Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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