[TYPO3-core] Conditions for Extbase Backend Module TS-Configuration really needed?

Peter Niederlag peter.niederlag at typo3.org
Thu Jan 30 14:54:15 CET 2014


On 29.01.2014 19:46, Philipp Gampe wrote:
> Hi Helmut,
>> The major flaw we have, is that Extbase backend modules use
>> frontend typoscript for their backend settings. we would need a good
>> concept for either a new way configuring these modules or re-using
>> PageTS or UserTS.
>> We do not have that.
> Well, the concept would be easy. Just use the backend API to read 
> module.ext_name. key from TSconfig instead of parsing it from TSFE.

I thought about that as well. While it seems like a good solution at
first I think there is a serious problem with it.

Via the TypoScript setup key _config.tx_extbase.XXX_ you can apply some
generic configurations to extbase. AFAIK currently this is considered as
well in Backend Context as the configuration is taken from TypoScript Setup.

Actually this is a common problem from time to time, there are settings
that should be shared by Backend (Modules, XClasses, Hooks) and Frontend
(Plugins, Xclasses, Hooks).

There is a tricky workaround, to share settings between Tsconfig and
TypoScript, but its probably seldom used:

In general I support the idea to switch to Tsconfig for configuration of
extbase backend modules. However I am not sure if it really works out
considering config.tx_extbase.


>> Do we really want to simulate a
>> frontend in the backend to properly support caching along with still
>> working conditions?
> I would prefer if we could drop the frontend simulation in extbase, but as 
> far as I have heard, this is not so easy.

It should be possible to get cached TypoScript-Setup in BE without a
simulated FE. But, frontend simulation is an "out-of-the-box" solution
that works. I am not sure if it's really worth the amount of work to
rewrite the caching for BE. What would be the benefit apart from not
being ugly and dirty?


> Caching and doing complex parsing logic inside the working classes is IMHO 
> wrong from a conceptional point of view.
> Extbase should have nothing to bother with the details of TypoScript, where 
> it comes from, how it is parse and if it can cached.
> It should just say: "TSservice: gimmy that key on this page" and get back an 
> array.




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