[TYPO3-core] feedit & feeditadvanced

Michael Stucki michael.stucki at typo3.org
Tue Feb 11 11:30:42 CET 2014

I fully agree. I'm sure we'll easily find sponsors for such a package.

But first we need someone who takes over the task, otherwise I see both
sides (developers / users) waiting for each other...

Greetings, Michael

Am 11.02.2014 11:17, schrieb Steffen Müller:
> Hi.
> On 11.02.2014 06:02 Georg Ringer wrote:
>> The interest in this topic seems very limited ...
> One of the features which is less fancy for developers than for editors.
> IMHO a good candidate for a WorkPackage at http://workpackages.org/

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