[TYPO3-core] Changing behavior of the TEXT cObject

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Thu Feb 6 15:59:33 CET 2014

Am 06.02.2014 15:18, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:
> Hi,
> On 6-2-2014 9:08, François Suter wrote:
>> Christopher (from the Doc Team) has proposed to clean up the TEXT
>> cObject to make it behave like other cObjects. His patch [1] would throw
> Arguments have already been posted, so:
> -1 for removing the stdWrap properties from the root of the TEXT object
> +0 for adding the stdWrap properties to the root of every other object
> (not against it, but it wouldn't add much advantages)

The goal of the original poster was to get a consistent usage of stdWrap 
for all cObjects, so at least this would be acchieved.
 From the performance point of view the impact would be neglectable.
But readability would be slightly improved without having to use stdWrap 
before each and every property.

So IMHO, if someone is willing to do it, at least it would not hurt too 



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