[TYPO3-core] Changing behavior of the TEXT cObject

Thorsten Kahler thorsten.kahler at typo3.org
Thu Feb 6 15:29:54 CET 2014

Hi Joey,

JoH asenau schrieb am 06.02.14 12:44:
>> This would not even be a breaking change and you don't have to replace
>> the whole TypoScript code, since it will be fully backwards compatible.
>> So adding stdWrap on the first level would be a real improvement.
> BTW: There is no problem having to "unset" other root properties like 
> i.e. "value" in TEXT or "file" in IMAGE, since this will be done 
> automatically by stdWrap internally.
> There was a team at a workshop at the developer days before 4.5 checking 
> all the appearances of the different properties and they did not find 
> any doubles while comparing root level methods of cObjects with stdWrap 
> methods.

what about the "wrap" properties most of the cObjects have?

In the current implementation I do see a difference between e.g.
COA.wrap and COA.stdWrap.wrap:

- a string with a pipe character as separator
- the string can be created and modified via stdWrap properties

- a string with a configurable (".splitChar") separator
- no stdWrap properties here

The execution order would change, too. Currently COA.wrap would be
executed before COA.stdWrap.innerWrap. After your suggested change
COA.wrap would be executed after COA.innerWrap.

Are there any ideas to get that done in a backwards compatible way?


Thorsten Kahler
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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