[TYPO3-core] Patches requiring documentation

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Mon Oct 14 16:22:05 CEST 2013

Hi Ernesto,

>> http://wiki.typo3.org/CommitMessage_Format_(Git)#Relationships
> That's true, but this part was added just this morning, so it's not fair
> to refer to this.

I was so sure it was documented there, I didn't check the history to see 
when it was added.

> I for example haven't known about this new rule, maybe it was not
> clearly communicated as an official change of workflow.

Weren't you there in Hamburg? It was quite clearly discussed there, 
although I don't know if there are minutes of T3ACME13HH anywhere.

> So the issue should be opened during the review phase already? What
> happens if the change is not merged at the end? Should the documentation
> issue state "this is being reviewed currently" or how will you
> differenciate issues that "need to be documented" from the "not yet
> merged, this is just a placeholder"?

As there is a relation between the two issues, we always check if it has 
been merged or not. If not, we simply remove the target version and let 
it be. If the change has been abandoned after all, we close the issue.

> Forgive me if this has been discussed (maybe even "over and over"), just
> curious about the argument (because I thought we had agreed otherwise
> before): Wouldn't it be more efficient to only document what was merged
> at the end? So that the commit message cannot contain a "Documentation:
> #..." line, but *on merge* the issue *has to be created*?

I think it is very important to open the documentation issue at the same 
time as the core issue. There's simply too much risk of this step being 
forgotten at merge time.

> Of course. We have documented it here:
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-core/wiki/CoreDevPolicy
> And indeed it was documented in a different way than you are requiring
> now. So please fix the "Core Dev Policy" document to your likings so
> that we can refer to that.

Done. However, as Markus remarked, it's very hard to find such a page...



Francois Suter

Work: Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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