[TYPO3-core] Status of TYPO3 6.2 LTS

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Wed Nov 20 11:50:37 CET 2013

Hi Ernesto,

> Considering the expectations and the amount of installations that will
> be upgraded to6.2  LTS during the next year and the time left until the
> planned release (3 weeks), our conclusion was very soon clear: We need
> more time to finish a stable final release (6.2.0) and are willing to
> postpone the release date for circa 3 months.

That's always a tough decision, but I'm all for it. I think it very 
wise, of course only if feature freeze is indeed in place (which you 
confirmed in one of your answers).

In October I could reserve a bit of time at work for reviewing 6.2 
patches. Now we are fully taken with a big project until Xmas, but 
hopefully I can manage to set aside some time again in early 2014. I 
hope many other agencies can also provide resources, as - indeed - we 
are all going to live with 6.2 for quite a few years.



Francois Suter

Work: Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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