[TYPO3-core] Media-Element in 6.2

Ernesto Baschny [cron] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Nov 19 23:07:23 CET 2013

Hi Peter,

Am 2013-11-19 10:37, schrieb Peter Niederlag:
> while working with 6.2-beta1 I really enjoy (almost) every part! Using
> FAL, Backend Layouts with gridelements plus extbase/fluid really gives
> us a nice and fast development approach! Big thx to all of you who make
> it possible!
> One glitch I recentlcy noticed however is the default Media-Element.
> Currently it is quite a pain to upload a video and have it render in a
> nice and modern way (native html5 where supported with flash fallback
> for those poor IE folks or FF/.mp4).
> It seems slightly adjusting the TS-Configuration as suggested by Stefan
> Galinski in http://forge.typo3.org/issues/38460 makes the flash-fallback
> with flowplayer work. (The default fallback with
> flashmedia/flvplayer.swf fails because for some reasons a not existant
> flashmedia/video.flv will be requested instead of the video file).
> Digging in the Code and Configuration it seems the media element still
> tries to cope with zillion of different ways to render the media
> (quicktime, videojs, flowplayer, youtube, html5 yes/no).
> Is anyone working on this area or willing to chip in some time?

We identified that problem several times before, and I also find that
it's a very ugly hacky code there in place.

As I noted here:


I would prefer to have a stable and hookable API in the Core so that
extensions can hook into the video / audio rendering of the frontend in
a unified way.

We might then provide a simple rendering method by default (i.e.
"mediaelement") for "out-of-the-box" experience, which could be disabled
and replaced by some more modern variant in future (through TER). So
that we are not stalled in time as soon as we release, because frontend
techniques evolve very fast on that area.


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