[TYPO3-core] Media-Element in 6.2

Peter Niederlag peter.niederlag at typo3.org
Tue Nov 19 10:37:28 CET 2013


while working with 6.2-beta1 I really enjoy (almost) every part! Using
FAL, Backend Layouts with gridelements plus extbase/fluid really gives
us a nice and fast development approach! Big thx to all of you who make
it possible!

One glitch I recentlcy noticed however is the default Media-Element.
Currently it is quite a pain to upload a video and have it render in a
nice and modern way (native html5 where supported with flash fallback
for those poor IE folks or FF/.mp4).

It seems slightly adjusting the TS-Configuration as suggested by Stefan
Galinski in http://forge.typo3.org/issues/38460 makes the flash-fallback
with flowplayer work. (The default fallback with
flashmedia/flvplayer.swf fails because for some reasons a not existant
flashmedia/video.flv will be requested instead of the video file).

Digging in the Code and Configuration it seems the media element still
tries to cope with zillion of different ways to render the media
(quicktime, videojs, flowplayer, youtube, html5 yes/no).

Is anyone working on this area or willing to chip in some time?

Thx and Greets,

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