[TYPO3-core] Bypass version compatibility check in 6.2 extension manager

Franz Holzinger franz at ttproducts.de
Thu Nov 14 19:56:04 CET 2013

Hello Xavier,

Le 14. 11. 13 16:55, Xavier Perseguers a écrit :
> I'm the first one asking for cleaning the TER and do everything I can to
> get in touch with t3o team to make this a reality (not easy at all I
> must say). This goes through preventing developers from uploading an
> extension without providing tested dependencies and ideally trimming
> down the list of available extensions to what is known to work (= within
> dependency constraints) for a given user.

I agree to all of your points. The upgrade of all extensions can be tedious.
Most extension developers are always behind with uploading extensions to 
TER. It would help if other users e.g. a TYPO3 admin could change the 
version settings of an extension in TER. This could be done after 
successful tests of that extension by several users.
Then every user could see if a version of an extension runs under TYPO3 
6.2. And the extension author could be informed by email and still 
continue his sleep.

- Franz

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