[TYPO3-core] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Active Contributors, Core Team Meeting Nürnberg

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Wed May 15 07:46:58 CEST 2013


On 15-5-2013 0:09, Ernesto Baschny [cron] wrote:
> Am 2013-05-14 10:09, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
>> Oliver Hader wrote:
>>> Sure, "Active Contributor" is different to prior "Core Team Member"
>>> since it's based on activity and trust.

How is it different?
Previously Core Team members were invited by the Team Leader because 
they were actively contributing patches and showed that they produced 
quality code, know (large parts of) the core and can be trusted with 
merge rights.
Now the Active Contributors are invited by the Team Leader because they 
are actively contributing patches and show that they produce quality 
code, know (large parts of) the core and can be trusted with merge rights.

The only real difference I found is that you can be kicked out the 
Active Contributors group if you're not active anymore for a substantial 
period. This is a good change because the Core Team group only grew and 
had too many inactive people in it.

To me it's still "the same meat, different gravy". The labels changed 
and a few rules changed, but nothing really dramatic.
Too bad that the labels are not clear enough (to me it's a bit like 
giving the Release Manager the new name "Package Maker") and too bad 
it's presented as a huge change ("restructuring").

>> The interesting fact is that I was trusted enough by Kasper to be
>> invited to the team but I am not trusted enough by the current team
>> leaders. Not surprising actually. I can see why.
> I don't see where. First of all, you were the one who chose to be "on
> hold" some months ago (if I recall correctly). The new scheme does not
> change your position in any way, since if you obviously are still
> active, you are still an "active contributor" without any lost of rights
> and trust.

This just shows how badly chosen the new label "Active Contributor" is. 
It doesn't communicate anything about trust, team spirit and 
responsibilities; it only focuses on being active and contributing code.

> But as you seem to recall that moment so well, you might also be able to
> put yourself in the position of the talented guys which were "left out"
> of the team before the restructuring, just because they weren't invited
> yet. There is no "Kasper" nowadays. But these guys are now officially
> part of the team. I was there on the meeting where this happend and I
> saw the boost of motivation and inspiration that came with this change.

What changed here? With the previous Core Team the Team Leader invited 
new members and now the Team Leader invites Active Contributors. Why 
were those guys "left out"? Only because Core Team members only left 
when they asked to be removed? What if the inactivity rule was added; 
would that have made enough room for new team members?

I wasn't there in the room, but can you tell how these minor changes 
gave you a boost of motivation and inspiration?

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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