[TYPO3-core] Issue handling

Alexander Opitz opitz at pluspol.info
Fri May 10 12:36:59 CEST 2013

Hi Jigal,

> It's the version where the reporter found it. Many reports are filed by
> someone who has only one version available to test. They find something
> and set the TYPO3 version to indicate where *they* found it.
> It can exist in earlier or later versions. That's for testers or devs to
> find out. It can be added in a comment that it was also found in version
> x.y.z.

Yes, I meant it like that (but wrote it false), I meant the first in 
which the issuer found it. ;-)

> Sometimes it's set because someone plans to include it in a release.
> Sometimes it's set because a RM likes to include it in a release.
> Sometimes it's set because someone is working on it, or the issue is
> under review.

Hmmm, so no really handling of this field. :-( That's bad for the 
Roadmap view of the issues.

> If it will go to 4.5.27 (it's a priority bug) then the Target Version
> should be set to 4.5.27.

So no easy way (with the issue tracker) to find what changed/will change 
in 6.0.6. :-/

> Just to be clear: the bugs list is meant for administration requests. If
> someone tested an issue and found it was a configuration issue, or an
> issue is a duplicate, but he/she doesn't have the right to close it then
> he/she can ask in this list. It's not meant to post information about
> the bug itself.

Most people write this into the issue and I think that's the place where 
such things belong. So someone who stumbled over a problem can read 
about the configuration problem.

Greetings Alexander//

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