[TYPO3-core] Issue handling

Alexander Opitz opitz at pluspol.info
Fri May 10 10:23:26 CEST 2013

Hi Jigal,

 > This is usually filled by the reporter to indicate which version they
> found the issue. It is an important clue for the person who wants to
> test/fix it where to start looking.

Ok, so TYPO3 Version is lowest major version where it was found.

> For bugs this is the lowest TYPO3 version where it will be fixed. It is
> usually set when somebody starts working on it. The first step in fixing
> it is of course finding the cause. Then it's known where the problem
> originated. Of course, we have to take into consideration if the problem
> is serious enough to backport to branches which are in the phase where
> only security issues and serious bugs are fixed.
> During review of the patch it might be decided that it will not be
> ported to some branches, mostly by a decision of the RM.

Hmmm, sounds a bit complicated and I ask, as the number seems mostly not 
used. There are open bugs which shows to a released version.

> For features it is the version where the feature is planned to be
> introduced.
> This field is also used during development of a release to mark issues
> that need to be fixed for that version. For example: you can set an
> issue to 6.2-beta1 if the development team or the RM thinks it is
> important to fix it before beta1 is published. This makes it easier to
> find the wish-list for these releases.

Yes, I know how it should be handled normally but yet I didn't saw that 
this is relay handled like that.

So if a fix goes into, say, 6.0.6 and will be backported to 4.5.27, to 
what should the Target version number be set? In bugzilla you have the 
possibility to set both, this helps on the roadmap page for users which 
won't taggle with git, to see what will happen in next release.

> 90 days is a good compromise. It has been discussed a few times; I think
> everybody can live with this number.

90 day => 3 month, that is the half time of a release. ;-)

> You could create a new issue.
> Many bugtrackers allow to re-open an issue if someone responds to a
> closed issue.
> There are various lists to contact people: typo3.teams.core,
> typo3.teams.bugs (low traffic), various project list.
> The Friendly Ghost.

Ok, so I will update my closing message and add a hint to 
typo3.teams.bugs, should be fairly enough.

> Thanks again for going through the issues. Don't be discouraged by
> negative comments of some people. Mostly it's an expression of some form
> of frustration. Know that many people are glad that issues are analysed,
> but they don't say anything :-)

Yes, no problem with that, I was frustrated too, so I know why the users 
are negative. ;-)

Greetings Alex//

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