[TYPO3-core] RFC: Integrate Doctrine2 into TYPO3 CMS

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Sun Jan 27 08:49:03 CET 2013


On 26-1-2013 11:30, Oliver Hader wrote:
> currently there are some discussions out in the wild on integrating
> Doctrine2 into TYPO3 CMS. Since this step has advantages, but maybe also
> some disadvantages, I'd like to bring up the topic here in the list and
> hope that some experts could give their feedback and statements.

I'm not an expert, but there are some aspects I'd like to mention.

Doctrine has some advantages which we can use. It knows how to talk to 
various DBMS and this means that we use it to replace part of dbal. Some 
features of dbal I couldn't find in doctrine:
- rewriting queries to make them compatible with a DBMS
- mapping of tables and columns
These two features saved me on a few projects where I could simply use 
data from other applications inside TYPO3.

tce_main / TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler has been cursed 
often, but it is a nice central place for handling records inside TYPO3. 
It has a lot of hooks you can use to monitor or influence actions taken 
on records.
An example of its usage is EXT:solr. If a BE user 
modifies/creates/deletes a record solr will notice it and adds 
information to its indexing queue. This means that not the entire site 
needs to be re-indexed, only the modified parts. Changes in content can 
be in the search results within minutes.

My wishes:
- use doctrine inside TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnection (we can 
get rid of using the mysql PHP module before it's EOL)
- still use dbal for rewriting and mapping
- use tce_main in Extbase (so it uses doctrine and the bonus of the 
DataHandler features)

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 Core Team member

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