[TYPO3-core] Age of developers

Bernhard Kraft kraft at web-consulting.at
Mon Feb 25 13:23:27 CET 2013

Hello !

On 15.02.2013 10:01, Bernhard Kraft wrote:

> I start with myself:
> Bernhard Kraft, 32 years, born 1980

To sum this up:
The usual TYPO3 core developer was born in 1979 and started learning IT 
on some ancient hardware :)

My (our families) first PC was a 286DX with 12/18 MHz (Turbo button - 
like todays CPU frequency scaling). I started with writing Batch 
programs and QBasics programs.

I tried to write programs utilizing the mouse. But soon noticed that 
this is not possible with MS-DOS QBasic.

In school (1995) I learned Pascal and wrote an application for our 
schools IT department. It was a mask allowing you to configure the 
IP-Adress for automated install from a bootdisk. It stored preconfigured 
settings by appending a "struct" to the end of the .exe file so no 
additional config files were required.


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