[TYPO3-core] Changing the release cycle

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Sun Feb 17 12:27:49 CET 2013

Hi Steffen,

> So honestly, I'm in favor of keeping the 6-monthly cycle.

I realize I started out with the release cycle and forgot to really 
mention it again. Actually if we switch to a minor/major release 
development scheme, there's no need to drop the 6-month cycle. What it 
could look like is:

6.1 in April 2013
6.2 LTS in October 2013
7.0 in April 2014

6.1 would be a transition release on the way to 6.2. No major changes 
would go into 6.2, making it a smooth transition to upgrade from 6.0 all 
the way to 6.2. This way agency can prepare the ground, going from 4.5 
LTS to 6.0 and then to 6.2 LTS.

The release of 7.0 would mark the end of the 6.x branch. 6.2 gets LTS 
and 6.1 is phased out quickly, as it was just meant as a transition to 
6.2 This is acceptable since it's a minor release anyway.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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