[TYPO3-core] Memory system woes

Philipp Gampe philipp.gampe at typo3.org
Fri Feb 15 18:46:22 CET 2013

Hi Mathias,

Mathias Schreiber wrote:

>> > It is?
>> > Open up the TYPO3 BE and try again :)
>> I just did on my SGS2 with Firefox: 175MB* (176MB peak for workspace
>> module) and it loaded almost as fast as on my desktop. The animations are
>> a bit slower, but maybe just because I stayed zoomed in.
>> If we manage to remove ExtJS, it will be even need less.
> Jup. But we weren't talking IE, were we?

You, I did not exclude other browsers.

>> BTW, which IE version does eat up so much memory? How did you measure it?
> IE9, and you measure this by using perfmon?

OK, tried with perfmon (which counter are you watching - commited memory?).
IE9 test vm with 256MB Ram Total, Win7, IE9
iexplore has, according to the report, 303MB of commited mem (peak)?

I can send you the analysis if you like.

I used the workspace module and the page module, while already being logged 
in into TYPO3.

According to the resource browser, IE used between 50 and 100 MB.

I will now test with a bigger VM and the latest IE9 updates.

... 100-150MB for various modules. It seems to leak some memory if you use 
many modules. AFAIK some stuff is cached in JS.
No sign of 2-3GB.

>> If you want a fast and secure browser, you should try chrome business.
> No offense, but you simply don't talk to IT people like this.
> Have you ever had contact to corporate IT?

I work in one.

> Judging from your posts and opinions I doubt it.

Corporate IT has many other issues, most resulting from wrong decisions in 
the past and the permanent lack of manpower.

> But that's fine, I will just try to outline how things work in
> coorporations. A huge automotive company from Schwaben has highly
> customized IE versions which integrate into their IT infrastructure.
> Actually, they have Access to sourcecode of all Microsoft products. So
> what they do is customize IE (beyond what GPOs offer) to fit their needs.
> Normally, projects like these are beyond a million euros, ergo they will
> stick to what they bought/built.

Well, if they are to stupid to do IT right, then I can not help them. Maybe 
they should use Sharepoint then?
It offers most stuff TYPO3 does and you can customize it a lot of you have 

> Your solution will get you one of two results:
> a) a good laughter from the IT department
Not really, but references to products that require IE and some talk about 
GPOs (Chrome for Business supports GPO) and company standard.
We already have an office that needs Firefox for one application, thus they 
get it. Each office has its own apps anyway, thus evaluation another one is 
not such a big deal.
Corporate IT is more about CLAs has has been much in favor of long term 
solutions. But things are slowly moving into rolling-release strategies.

> b) a kick in the butt from the IT department

> So now we have a TYPO3 system which performs badly under IE.
> The client also has two options:
> a) Start another multi-million euro evaluation process for Chrome Business
Chrome for Business works well with standard compliant sites. With Chrome 
Frame you can selectively underlay the Chrome engine for specific sites.
Cost: About 10K for testing and deployment (docs and howtos are free by 
google). Depends of course on how you calculate costs.

If you stick to standards, then a software evaluation should not cost you 
millions. If you do not stick to standards you should not complain that 
using standard compliant software does not work for you.

> b) Simply switch to another CMS (and the market is quite huge)
If you are a Microsoft shop, you might be better of to use MS products then, 
e.g. Sharepoint as CMS. Oops ... needs more memory ... how bad.

> Out of these two options only one can be controlled by us...the
> performance of the system compared to others on the market.

I never said we should ignore performance. On the other hand, TYPO3 does not 
have to perform well on every (miss-configured) system in the world.
We build TYPO3 to be usable in normal office environment.

> Regarding the "Remove ExtJS from the BE" part:
> Whose idea was that and is the guy/girl married?
> Three thumbs up

It has been in the air for pretty long, but it will take a longer effort and 
will not be done in one step. But I guess, nobody is currently working on 
it. And nobody is review patches in this area, thus I guess nothing changes 
here fast.

Best regards
Philipp Gampe – PGP-Key 0AD96065 – TYPO3 UG Bonn/Köln
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