[TYPO3-core] Memory system woes

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 23:01:33 CET 2013


Oliver Hader wrote:
> Which is true for sure if those customers still use Windows 98 since
> Windows XP, Vista, 7 etc. required a lot of more memory...

No, it is also true for those, who use Debian or any other Linux 
distribution. I have a TYPO3-based highly optimized community site, which 
serves about 2000 rq/s. Imagine what extra 1Mb of memory per request would 
mean for this server. What about extra 10Mb per request? Extra 
20,000Mb=20Gb of RAM? Hm-m-m-m-m-m, going to die. Fortunately the site 
still runs on heavily patched 4.5, which is optimized for performance far 
more than the official version.

> Which is more or less the statement that Christian added in the previous
> mail:
> "Disclaimer: This does not mean that memory shouldn't be optimised at
> all. If our application does something insane that can be solved more
> elegantly with less memory consumption: Go ahead, we love those patches!"

It sounds like: "We increased memory usage and decreased the speed. You do 
not like it? Go and make a patch to bring it all back. We will love that!". 

Okay, I see it is pointless. Let's keep this patch and see what happens. I 
am just tired of all this. Let it be as it is. I will watch from behind.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 CMS core & security teams member

<strike>Simplicity</strike> Crocodiles will save the world.

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