[TYPO3-core] Review system woes

Philipp Gampe philipp.gampe at typo3.org
Fri Feb 8 16:56:51 CET 2013

Hi Alexander,

Alexander Opitz wrote:

>> The review system is about the source code. As stated above, you need all
>> information to understand why a specific code is changed in that commit.
>> Later you use this to track down bugs and unexpected behaviors.
> Thats why you have the issue tracker, you can see notes from the users
> and so on.

I guess we have completely desperate ideas of what an issue tracker should 
be used for.

IMHO the issue tracker is for discussing the problem, make it reproducible 
and find out under which condition a bug triggers.

For me that is something completely different then the code change and the 
comments related to the change. The change review system is for discussing 
the best strategies to code the specific feature or bugfix. It allows to 
comment on code smells and anti-patterns, as well as unwanted side effects.
It is the technical part.

On the other hand the issue tracker does what its name says. It tracks 
various issue, including tasks, ideas, features, bugs, regressions, 
relations between the former, etc.
It can be used to discuss general strategies, while the change review system 
is to review the specific fix.

The issue tracker is for communication with the user while the change review 
system is for communication with the devs.

Best regards
Philipp Gampe – PGP-Key 0AD96065 – TYPO3 UG Bonn/Köln
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