[TYPO3-core] Review system woes

Daniel Alder dalder at snowflake.ch
Fri Feb 8 10:41:47 CET 2013

Am 08.02.2013 09:30, schrieb Georg Ringer:

> every core member knows all the other members and got most of them in
> skype, ...

...of course this is true for core member. but if i am not 
(non-core-devs) then it not that effective...

> which is very hard to implement having an open-source project and not
> paid coders. People have other important stuff to do too.

there are many ways to get a "lead" without real persons.
for example take the different members from:

give them points, give them votes (or something like that) based on 
their state. combining this with a tricide-like interface and votes with 
"normal" users and core devs.

some of the peoples out there sure have some other/better ideas to get a 
"lead". ;)

> that is just a wrong assumption. Not every agency uses LTS ;)

no, proof the opposite! ;)

just an example with 4.7:
i have to wait till the newest typo3 core is "stable" and reasonable for 
customers (2012-04-25 + one or two months?). if it's stable make all my 
"tools" work again or taking new features in account. start the project 
(autumn 2012). big projects need time. so several months and my project 
finished (first quarter 2013). costumer is testing and adding contents 
(+ 1 or 2 months). costumer is happy with his new product (end of first 
quarter 2013).
...in the meantime a knew typo3 version was released. and oh! i have to 
tell the customer a half year later, that his project needs to be 
updated - end of maintenance. he is laughs...

...so what would you prefer as an agency?
LTS or the newest core ;)

>> so i think the review-system isn't the best i've seen on the market.
> so what do other review systems make better?

-> much more oversight (interface)
-> clearer procedures (where to i have to do what)
-> forge, review, git (hooks), lists -> phu, where do i start first? 
-> comments overview is horrible

it not feels "natural" to me some how.
but this is just my personal feeling ;)

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