[TYPO3-core] Google Summer of Code

Tobias Liebig tobias.liebig at typo3.org
Fri Feb 1 11:24:53 CET 2013


Will you join and support me preparing the GSoC application and - most important - the "Ideas Page"?

In the minutes of the last release team meeting[1], i read you talked about the Google Summer of Code. That fits very well, as i'm going to care about this years GSoC next week too.

We did not know yet, if Google will announce a GSoC this year at all (but i think it's very likely they will do). Last year the program was announced on Feb 4th [2] (in 2011 it was Jan 24th). So I expect this years announcement in the next week. We might then have like one month (deadline 2012 was in the beginning of march) to hand in our application and prepare our ideas page.

As you know: Last year our application was rejected by google. This is, what Carol told us in the IRC chat about the rejection:

this one is again one that turned on the ideas page.
i think we were expecting a wider range of ideas to start. more overall.
and a couple of the ideas didn't really seem fleshed-out enough.
they sort of seemed like notes that would get filled in later
i would like to see the languages for all the ideas, possible mentors, and an extensive description of the idea for each one.
i know your org has participated in the past, but we expect high quality ideas pages every year

I'm looking at the application, and your answers to the questions are strong.
so really, please firm up the ideas page for next year and i encourage you to try again.

what i would recommend is you have a separate "your idea here" idea
and then the rest are very well-defined ones
yes, please do try again next year.
we appreciate your participation in the past, for sure

So, we are already late this year and should definitely start to prepare the idea pages!

A you might know, the T3A granted a budget for the GSoC this year [3] and i'm very happy about that. This budget includes enabling costs for two real-life meetings. One was meant for a "setup" meeting, collecting ideas, preparing the ideas page and the GSoC application. The second was planed for late summer, to finalize the gsoc projects, maybe invite some of the students, prepare something for the T3CON and maybe already kickstart for GSoC2014.

I'd love to organize the GSoC application and organize the first (short; like one or two days) Meetup, so we/some people can prepare a top-of-the-edge-ideas page (maybe we can also find some to work on that during the t3board?). I offer to administrate or co-adminstrate this years GSoC during the summer and share my experience from the last years (as a mentor and as a almost-admin). And as I am the budget owner, of course i can take care of that.

But, however, I need your help!
My wife is pregnant and we are expecting our first child anytime soon (mid/end February). This means, i can/don't want to leave the home for more then one day and must expect to be unavailable for some time whenever he/she comes. Unfortunately it seems like the GSoC application period might conflict with this personal schedule.

As most of my current customer projects will come to the end by the next week, I'll have some dedicated time to work on this next week and the week after. I appreciate any help on gathering, evaluate and prepare an outstanding page with ideas of projects students can work on.

Please get in touch with me, if you like to help and work on the ideas page.

looking forward

[1] http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-core/wiki/Release_Team_Meeting_2013-01-28
[2] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2012
[3] http://forge.typo3.org/boards/15/topics/33

P.S.: I CC'd some people to raise their attention. :-)

Tobias Liebig
TYPO3 Core Team member

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