[TYPO3-core] Renaming the generic term "Template" (as used for TS Template)?

Roland most.wanted at gmx.at
Thu Dec 19 23:33:17 CET 2013

what do you think about this change request:


--- quote ---
The term "Template" (as used for "TypoScript Template") will be
changed to the less generic term "TypoScript Template" as "Template"
can be confusing (at least) for beginners as it is generally used
for something like html/view temlates.
--- /quote ---

my thoughts about it:

++ "TypoScript Template" is a much more appropriate term than "Template"
++ The term "Template" was/is confusing - so you could/should call the
usage of the term "Template" a bug (at least UX-wise)
++ sooner or later we should fix this bug
++ a LTS version would maybe be a good oportunity to fix this bug
++ as it seems fixing this bug in TYPO3 6.2 would automatically fix it in
all older versions without any further work which had to be done (you could
argue that this is a nice side effect)
++ IMHO there are only 2 spots which could be seen problematic: [1] the
label of the backend module & [2] the 3 labels of the "functions of the
backend module"
++ the rest of this change request is more like fixing typos
++ the 4 (maybe) problematic changed labels would "only" influence backend
users with administrator rights - i guess they will be able to handle the
changed wording
++ i think we should not clutter TYPO3 6.2 with new locallang labels or
locallang files

kind regards


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