[TYPO3-core] Proposal for the upcoming Roadmap and LTS

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Nov 15 11:02:59 CET 2012

Hi Alexander,

Alexander Hahn schrieb am 15.11.2012 09:02:

> after reading several sites and articles on typo3.org all those points
> are known to me know. Nevertheless thanks for the list.
> But who reads the forge? Designers, Webdesigners? Maybe some, but look
> at the total amount of votes. The item on top has ten votes! This,
> compared to the size of our community, seems to me like a number much
> too low.
> On the other hand, read the first ten requests, all of them have a clear
> focus on programming. We need people who have expertise in concept,
> layout and webdesign.

Then you might want to go to the Usability Team, which is about exactly
the usability of the TYPO3 Backend. Those issues are usually not decided
by the Core Team itself:


We also need people who have expertise in documentation, in marketing,
in programming, in maintaining webservers etc etc...

> The only way, in my opinion, to reach them is a central navigation point
> on typo3.org in conjunction with a marketing effort to push this idea so
> everyone in this huge community gets the message. This is and can not be
> the function of the forge.

If we would have a "central navigation point" for everything that
someone finds important we would only have dozens of lists of "important
links". The problem we have is that this generates quickly lots of
obsolete information, mainly because the focus of the community shifts
from time to time depending on the interest of the people that are
active. This is not a problem we can solve so easily, because that's
just how the open source community works.

Imagine that we create a prominent list of "usability issues of the
TYPO3 CMS" now, because you have a special interest in it currently, and
one month later it turns out you are not interested anymore. It very
quickly becomes obsolete, because the next interested guy thinks that
the list should be better maintained in the Usability Team Wiki, the
next guy prefers the Issue Tracker etc... Who is to decide which is best?

So best is to get in touch with the TEAM that is meant to solve the
problem you are wanting to fix where you can further learn what the
process involved is.


If the team is unreachable, unwilling to communicate, or you think the
team is not representing itself well on typo3.org or forge, get in touch
with our Community Manager (Ben van't Ende).


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