[TYPO3-core] Proposal for the upcoming Roadmap and LTS

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Nov 8 20:04:29 CET 2012

Ralf-Rene Schröder schrieb am 08.11.2012 18:43:
> just my 2 cents, i'm not a dev, but an integrator...
> for me, the release cycles are too short
> (exeption bugfixing and security fixes)
> here are my thoughts about thit theme...
> (completly changed structure ... maybe it is a chance for NEOS)
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgLOIINaGKsIdGF6aHVrVjVmNWZBa0xJbFpKUTJWeEE#gid=0

While you are suggesting that we could "get rid of LTS" in the header of
your spreadsheet, in fact it looks like you want us to support every
TYPO3 release for three years (one "bugfixing phase" and two "security
fixes phase"). So in fact every version is like a LTS, while we only
make one release per year, thus summing up 4 versions to maintain at any
given time (which is exactly one of the issues we want to get rid of).

This concept is rather utopic and I would suggest to orient your
proposal a bit more on the current reality, because as we already have
seen even "tiny changes" in the process already involve lengthy
discussions. Incremental changes to the system are more easy to achieve
than radical complete changes.


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