[TYPO3-core] Proposal for the upcoming Roadmap and LTS

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 10:58:40 CET 2012


Lukas Rueegg [RTP] wrote:
> I don't agree with that. We are a Gold member of the Association for
> years now. Since the release of the 4.5 LTS version, we did not need one
> single new feature, just maintenance releases of the LTS. So in my point
> of view, we paid for having the maintenance of the LTS version (please
> don't start a new discussion about the usage of the Assoc. budget at
> this point, I'm aware of all this).

You pay to T3A, not to devs, who could maintain the LTS. These are two 
different entities :) You should ask T3A about LTS, not devs.

Dmitry Dulepov

Simplicity will save the world.

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