[TYPO3-core] Translation 'en' missing

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 10:31:21 CET 2012


Daniel Alder wrote:
> Am 31.10.2012 11:39, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
>> May be you could code strings manually to plugin's
>> locallang.xml but you could not do it with any existing translation
>> tools.
> ...yes, snowbabel seems to be the only extension which is taking care of
> the 'en' translation in the typo3 universe.

Actually we had a problem with Snowbabel that it did not make "en" 
translations until I made that fix in our local core.

> ...on the other hand i couldn't find any description of a xml definition
> (or something else) which is excluding the 'en' as a language in
> frontend extensions. and because it worked i decided 'it's correct to
> write the labels to l10n -> en.

Officially TYPO3 supports only languages from that constant. There was a 
doc somewhere before where it was described how to add languages. It was 
mentioned there.

> plus:
> so what is the meaning of using the l10n structure for frontend
> extensions? it's allowed to add a translation 'dk' for example. but no
> 'en' translations? ...so on every extension update i have to
> re-translate the english part if I am not happy with the "original"
> labels from the developer? wasn't it the meaning of l10n to add
> translations to a "save place". ...why do i put languages like 'dk' in
> the l10n folder at all? ...in this case I have to change the original
> locallang file in the extension folder anyway, because it's the only
> possibility to change an english label. so why i should use the l10n? i
> can do the whole translation there.

Usually you can use _LOCAL_LANG.default.string_id.

I think that inability to easily change English translations is one of 
major omissions in TYPO3. I also want to change those strings sometimes :)

Dmitry Dulepov

Simplicity will save the world.

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