[TYPO3-core] SWFOBJECT object and JavaScript placement

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Wed May 9 17:40:15 CEST 2012

Hi all,

I have stumbled on an issue which I'm really unsure how it should be 
solved at best, hence I would like your opinion.

The situation:
The SWFOBJECT object includes some JS when being rendered. It adds 
"contrib/flashmedia/swfobject/swfobject.js" to the list of JS files to 
include in the header and adds a specific JS code for each content 
element as inline code using t3lib_PageRenderer::addJsInlineCode(). So 
far, so good.
During rendering a global page template is used, as defined with TS 
property config.pageRendererTemplateFile (which defaults to 
"typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/templates/tslib_page_frontend.html"). The inline 
JS replaces marker ###JS_INLINE### and the header JS libraries replace 
marker ###JS_INCLUDE###. In the default template ###JS_INLINE### comes 
*after* ###JS_INCLUDE###.

The problem:
In theory it is possible to define a custom template and move the 
markers around. We did so for a given project to have ###JS_INLINE### 
*before* ###JS_INCLUDE###. This breaks the SWFOBJECT because it causes a 
JS error ("swfobject is not defined"). This makes so that - in practice 
- moving the markers around is not possible, because it breaks the 

A possible solution:
I would be tempted to change the SWFOBJECT rendering to use 
t3lib_PageRenderer::addJsFooterInlineCode() which solves my current 
problem, but still leaves the possibility for another issue: if someone 
switches ###JS_INCLUDE_FOOTER### and ###JS_INLINE_FOOTER### makers, they 
are still screwed. I currently don't see a way - given the available API 
- to make sure that the swobject.js library and the specific code is 
loaded in the right order no matter what was done to the page template.

This does not affect the QTOBJECT because it still uses the "old way" of 
including the specific JS (i.e. as a script tag directly in the page). 
This was changed for the SWFOBJECT, because it broke when the JS file 
inclusion were moved to the footer using config.moveJsFromHeaderTo 
Footer (see http://forge.typo3.org/issues/25258).

Any ideas how to solve this conundrum?


Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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