[TYPO3-core] Version numbers in Releases line

Markus Klein klein.t3 at mfc-linz.at
Fri Mar 23 12:49:59 CET 2012

> > Not so good. When someone looks into the history he will find "master" and has no idea which version "master" was at the time of
> commit.
> Indeed that's a drawback. I was suggesting this because what I would expect from usual software development is that you don't really
> know which new version number you're aiming at when you start development. A minor release might become a major one. This is
> exactly what happened when TYPO3 3.9 actually became 4.0 (you could see the legacy of this change in the version compatibility
> check, which was actually still relying of 3.9 rather than 4.0). So we could stick with 4.8 and just know, at a later point, than 4.8 became
> 6.0. There are already patches that went in with 4.8 as their target version anyway.

You're right, that's indeed a problem. I hope our tools like the Merge Overview can deal with this inconsistency.

Kind regards

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