[TYPO3-core] Better usage of votes on Forge

Tolleiv Nietsch info at tolleiv.de
Wed Mar 21 00:57:04 CET 2012


@Bastian - would be very interesting to know whether the extbase team 
members actually really used that and what the conclusions from that are 
(response times, max votes on urgent issues, falsely overrated issues, 
....) ??

@Francois - nice idea but to be honest this needs a lot of education on 
the users and the core-devs site and I wonder how this could be achieved 
easily. I doubt that a simple news article will help very much.

 From my perspective it's more the task of release managers, team 
manager(s) and friendly ghosts (?) to "organize" the work of the devs 
and to keep them focussed (e.g. on a bug-"topic" or important topics). 
People's votes are nice but won't allow us to keep any focus and I guess 
that's what we actually would want to achieve to get things going.


Bastian Waidelich schrieb:
> François Suter wrote:
> Hello François,
>> For a while we've had the voting feature on Forge. However I don't think
>> we're taking full advantage of it. First of all it wasn't really
>> advertised, and then it's not straightforward to use the vote results
>> [...]
> Originally we asked for the voting feature for the Extbase bug tracker
> and I regularly check this.
> I didn't expect this feature to be globally activated for all issue
> trackers, but I think it is rather useful!
>> For the TYPO3 Core I think it would be good if we had saved queries for
>> this, so that people could easily refer to the issue with the most
>> popular demand. I checked this out yesterday, but I don't have enough
>> rights to save queries.
> I agree. I've also created a simple query that sorts open Extbase issues
> by votes [1].
>> I would suggest to have 2 different queries, one for bugs and one for
>> features (major or not) requests.
> +1
>> It would also help us, the Core Team, identify the bugs
>> that are most annoying to uses, or the features that seem the most
>> wanted (no guarantee that we would implement them, though).
> Yes, I think it's a good way to get some feedback - also from the more
> "quiet" part of the community.
> Best,
> Bastian
> [1] http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-mvc/issues?query_id=317

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