[TYPO3-core] [TYPO3-v4] Minutes of the 11th meeting of the 4.7 Release Team

Steffen Ritter steffen.ritter at typo3.org
Mon Mar 5 16:56:08 CET 2012

Hi dear TYPO3 community,

These are the minutes of the 12th TYPO3 Release Team Meeting for version 

The minutes are also available in the wiki of TYPO3 4.7:

The meetings of the last three weeks have been omitted due to several 
reasons. We are sorry for not announcing this cleary. Anyhow have fun 
with our news from today.

*12th Release Team Meeting TYPO3 4.7*

he 4.7 release team meets weekly for a Skype discussion round on the 
current activities.
If you find this report interesting or have some comment or question 
about a particular topic, don't hesitate to follow-up on the thread in 
the core mailing list.

On Monday, March 5th 2012 we held our 12th meeting with the following 
   - Steffen Ritter (4.7 Release Manager)
   - Xavier Perseguers (4.6 Release Manager)
   - Ernesto Baschny (4.5 Release Manager)
   - Ben van't Ende (Community Manager)
   - Benni Mack (Core Team Co-Leader)
   - Oliver Hader (Core Team Leader)

= TYPO3 4.5 // TYPO3 4.6 =

  Patch-Level Releases

* There are currently about 40 - 50 merged bugfixes for TYPO3 4.5 and 
TYPO3 4.6 each. For TYPO3 4.4 there are only 4 bugfixes merged.
We decided to *release new versions of 4.5 and 4.6 on Tuesday, March 6th 

* Ernesto takes care of informing all the submodule-linked teams to 
prepare their repository.

  Backport Releases

* On Tuesday, March 13th 2012 the Release Team will publish a Release 
Canditate for 4.6 and 4.5 containing the first Feature Backports to 
stable branches.

* Two weeks later, these backports will be released as normal 
"patch-level" version, if no problems occur.

* Ernesto and Xavier are going to check, what needs to be integrated to 
the Backport Release Candidates, as until now not many patches are 
merged to the backport branches yet.

=        TYPO3 4.7       =

  Broken Blank/Dummy/Gov-Package

* The Government Package has been broken when releasing Beta 1. This 
already has been fixed and a new snapshot release has been published.

* The blank package currently does not work correctly either. "about" 
and "aboutmodules" have introduced dependencies on extbase, which is not 
installed by default within the blank/dummy package. Steffen R. is going 
to change the Blank/Dummy package to make extbase and fluid enabled by 

Re-instating Beta 3 // Small exception to Feature Freeze
* The Extbase Team is going to meet up in the week after Beta 2 to fix 
long outstanding Bugs (f.e. with "workspaces") and work on some issues 
for 4.7. Furthermore some little features might be included in extbase 
there as well as. The bugfixes of bigger stuff might need to change the 
API a little bit, too.

* To enable the Extbase Team putting full efforts into their code-sprint 
an exception to the Feature Freeze is granted to them. This will not be 
a general exception, but checked for every probably newly introduced 
feature seperately, comparing benefits and impact to the TYPO3 4.7 release.

Adapting Introduction Package and Government Package

* Information in IP and GP somehow is outdated and the current content 
does not reflect our feature set.

* Olly will create an Manual about what can be adapted at the 
Content-Masters as well as move the GP to a official place, so that 
editing may start.

* Especially the Workspaces demonstration in IP should be enhanced as 
well as the HTML5 Video/Audio stuff should be explained in Detail.

* We should furthermore think about moving from tt_news to news for the 
next major version.

* Within the Government Package the information about FAL and the 
accessible gallery needs to be removed and the accessible search plugin 
should be integrated.

* After the changes all pages have to be revalidated - in terms of 
Content as well as in terms of code-compliance.

Release Planning and transparency

Tolleiv remarked at the core list that the last weeks of Release Team 
work have not been as transparent as they should have been.
He noted that Release Notes were ommitted and most communication 
happened on Twitter only.

* We agreed that there should be release notes, even on canceled 
meetings just to inform the community, that we did not forget about them.

* Steffen on purpose did not touch any "Bugfix" issue on forge prior to 
the Feature Freeze, which now sadly leads to empty "milestones" since 
Beta 1 is released, but no new assignments have been done in Laax.

* Steffen will now clean-up the issue tracker and assign issues 
according to milestones within the roadmap.

Announcing the Government Package

We talked about the new Government Package and that it has not been 
officially announced, yet. We aim to have a news article telling the 
whole story and showing the benefits. Furthermore it should be 
completely bilangual. Ben offered to translate the package to English. 
Steffen, Olly and Ben will join forces to create the mentioned 
announcement on news.typo3.org.

= TYPO3 4.8/6.0 and FAL  =

We shortly discussed the further progress of FAL.

* The API has been merged to master already as promised in the news 
article last week. One round of additional PHPdoc and CGL clean-up 
already has been done by Georg Ringer.

* FAL shall be published in the next major release after TYPO3 4.7

* Having a TYPO3 6.0 release in October 2012 would ease many 
backward-compatibility overlays in the TypoScript part - besides that, 
we can get rid of the compatibility modes pointing back to TYPO3 3.8

* The current master will be merged back to plain-fileabstraction branch 
on Incubator.git and the Team will finish up most of the 100 open issues 
in March 2012 - afterwards the fixed patch-sets will again pushed to 
Gerrit - just in time to explain and talk about during the TYPO3 
Developer Days 2012

Since the "TYPO3 6.0" topic removes the barrier of integrating new 
features and breaking changes, we discussed the demand of a 
well-prepared strategy in terms of a roadmap from 4.7 via 6.0 to 7.0 and 
maybe even further. We are going to communicate and discuss the strategy 
(as a suggestion) during the next TYPO3 events, like the Developer Days, 
TYPO3 Camps and individual User Group Meetings to get as much feedback 
as possible - thus, we prepare the resources/slides/information that can 
be used to spread the idea and vision...

If you have any further questions according to the development of TYPO3 
4.7, feel free to contact me or just leave your comment within this thread.


Steffen Ritter
Release Manager TYPO3 4.7

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