[TYPO3-core] 4.7 release planning (small nitpicks)

Tolleiv Nietsch info at tolleiv.de
Mon Mar 5 13:20:20 CET 2012


sth. which bothers me atm. in the day-to-day Core work is that release 
planning for 4.7 happens more or less silently and in way which is hard 
to follow up with (Tweets).

The procedure on the Beta releases was much more visible in earlier 
releases, also iirc the list of "to be reviewed" / "not to be reviewed" 
issues used to be part of some "Minutes of the Xth release team meeting" 
and e.g. repository-lock times were communicated in a clearer way.

I also wonder why there haven't been any "Minutes of the release team 
meeting" reports since nearly one month.

I understand that due to FAL and many other things it might have been 
harder with Beta 1 to be precise, but I'd be really happy if this good 
old traditions could be continued for the upcoming Beta / RC releases.

So dear release team - send out regular notes on what's happening, tell 
us (the contributors™) what's going on. Send these notes out _before_ 
things happen and not right at the time they happen.

http://twitter.com/tolleiv - http://blog.tolleiv.de

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