[TYPO3-core] Discussion: Remove default columns in favour for backend_layout

Markus Klein klein.t3 at mfc-linz.at
Fri Jul 20 09:55:56 CEST 2012

> >> BTW: TYPO3 has always been famous for it's flexibility and multiple
> >> ways of doing things in slightyl different "flavours".
> >
> > That is btw. also why TYPO3 is famous for being confusing and having a
> > steep learnign curve.
> Well - I completely disagree here.
> Neither Flexibility as such is responsible for a steep learning curve, nor is it that we provide different ways of doing things for different
> users.
> The steep learning curve is just the result of the fact that NONE of the different ways we provided in the past was intuitive enough for
> any of the target groups, be it average or power users. Additionally many of the methods were inconsistent within their own domain.
> (i.e. TypoScript having no CGL and lots of different spellings for things doing more or less the the same stuff)
> So as long as we improve the usability of each method we provide, there is no reason to reduce them to just one method. Especially
> when some of the methods offer a much higher working speed, while others will give you much more convenience, we should always
> stay with both of types but keep an eye on their overall usability.

Just one note here: (complexity) reduction (also abstraction) is the basis for simplicity and understandability, hence a flat learning curve. According to several university professors simplicity is the only way how humanity can "survive" the IT age.
Btw. Apple earns lots of money by leveraging exactly this principle.

> Just my €
> Joey


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