[TYPO3-core] Move contrib/ out of typo3/

Christian Welzel gawain at camlann.de
Thu Jan 19 17:36:03 CET 2012

Am 16.01.2012 14:48, schrieb Michael Stucki:

> However, what I imagine as possible would be to create a folder
> typo3/licenses/ and move GPL.txt to that location.
> The file is referenced by LICENSE.txt in the root folder, which should
> be extended accordingly to clarify that products in typo3/contrib/ may
> be hosted under different licenses if specified.
> Would that work out?

It would be ok for me (although it doesn't make the packaging easier).
But in this case it would be the best to list all licenses of files in
the project in the LICENSE.txt.

The other issue with licenses is that the current typo3-packages which
are distributed via the webpage violate the GPL. The GPL requires that
you redistribute the source code, if you distribute programs covered by
GPL. In 4.7 there are flowplayer and video-js included (both GPL), but
the source code is not included.

  MfG, Christian Welzel

   GPG-Key:     http://www.camlann.de/de/pgpkey.html
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