[TYPO3-core] Translation 'en' missing

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Fri Dec 28 07:59:29 CET 2012


On 27-12-2012 15:40, Daniel Alder wrote:
> What do you think?

Hmm... Telling you that would ruin the friendly spirit :-)

Read Xavier's article a few times again and very carefully. If you so 
want to have 'en' as a language you can define it as a custom language 
and have all your "translations" in that language. The fall-back would 
be the 'default' language (unless you define another language as the 
fall-back), so you'd only have to "translate" the labels you need to change.

If you're interested in knowing which languages are defined:
/t3lib/l10n/class.t3lib_l10n_locales.php in $languages
(or for 6.0:)

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 Core Team member

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