[TYPO3-core] Re: [TYPO3-mvc] Call for help: Migrate core extensions to extbase

Steffen Ritter steffen.ritter at typo3.org
Thu Apr 5 14:55:36 CEST 2012

Am 05.04.2012 14:13, schrieb Kay Strobach:
> Do we want extension to behave more ajax like? - If so, why don't we use
> the cardlayout and extdirect for common modules to reduce the data,
> which is transfered?

Because we want to reduce ExtJS in the Backend of TYPO3 because it has
proven unflexible, unreliable, slow and not really maintainable...

Having Extbase basis, shared core models and repositories, services and
so on in longterm will clean up the TYPO3 Codebase way more than putting
more and more logic to javascript and individual ExtDirect provider...

Ever tried to open TYPO3 Backend on a Mobile phone currently? Thanks to
ExtJS: working is not possible anymore.

With the results of last-years ExtJS development you most likely won't
find (m)any core guys supporting such efforts.

The more ExtJS and AJAX we introduced into the TYPO3 Backend the slower
it got ...

So I think a good Extbase/Fluid/jQuery solution will - in most cases be
the better solution.



Steffen Ritter
Release Manager TYPO3 4.7

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