[TYPO3-core] [FLOW3-core] TYPO3 Package / Extension / Artifact Repository: Some suggestions and whitepapers

Sebastian Kurfürst sebastian at typo3.org
Wed Apr 4 12:38:12 CEST 2012

Hello everybody,

in the last months, I have been thinking about the technical basis for a
package repository for FLOW3, and also generalized as a central artifact
repository for TYPO3.

I'd like to discuss this on the Core Team Meeting before the T3DD12, but
in order to have a discussion base, I created a whitepaper which
outlines my current ideas [1]. It'd be great if you could read it up,
and then we can discuss it in more detail before T3DD.

Greets, and looking very much forward to see you on T3DD12,


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