[TYPO3-core] Change procedure revisited

Xavier Perseguers xavier at typo3.org
Tue Nov 22 11:29:55 CET 2011


> So it depends on the patch, sometimes it's a matter of minutes and you
> (the commiter) can just "do it" (cherry-pick and merge), sometimes it
> involves testing in older branches, and you (the commiter) might not
> feel like doing it (at least right away).

I'd say that *at least* the committer should cherry-pick and push to
Gerrit. This takes no time at all!

If the patch cannot be merged right away due to some further changes,
then the committer *may* notify the patch author that he should provide
a patch for the corresponding branch.


Xavier Perseguers
Release Manager TYPO3 4.6

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